Coming Soon Online Self defense programme
/Coming Soon Online Self defense programme, designed by Karl Mcvety, Director for England Krav Maga / Self defense for Children and Families.
Our award winning Baby warriors programme is designed specifically to aid children's development between the ages of 3 - 5 years old. These sessions include Introduction to martial arts, improved cognitive skills, confidence, coordination, balance and general all round grounding. Our instructors are highly trained in how to bring the best out of your child and encourage learning through role playing and enhance social skills.
Our Family classes are for everybody aged 10 years and above. We had noticed that it can be increasingly difficult to find positive enhancement activities, where one can learn, have fun and have the opportunity to share the experience with your children, thus making KMMA family sessions very popular. These sessions enable you to train both your Body and Mind and enable you to leave with a 'feel good' factor.